
Why High Class Escorts No Longer Exist
03 Mar 2022
Why High Class Escorts No Longer Exist

…and hasn’t been for a long time. Where has high class gone? Why? How does a man looking for a courtesan tell who really is of high class? After all, everyone seems to claim to be…...
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Why Aromatherapy Is Effective
25 Feb 2022
Why Aromatherapy Is Effective

In conversations about aromatherapy I often hear the objection that people don’t trust it to cure their conditions more than they trust commercially prepared medications from pharmacies and...
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Aromatherapy for the Corporate Man
10 Feb 2022
Aromatherapy for the Corporate Man

Corporate life has taken and will continue to take it out of many a man. Aromatherapy – the application of essential oils and their blends – is an easily available, ecological, kinder...
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Would You Sleep Without Me?
21 Jan 2022
Would You Sleep Without Me?

Would you sleep without me? Sleeping with me would keep you awake! And keeping awake is what people in today’s at least western society certainly do way too much of – to the cost of t...
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When a Man Should Not Have Massage
05 Jan 2022
When a Man Should Not Have Massage

Although massage is generally enormously beneficial and certainly a great pleasure when done well, there are occasions when you should not have it. What are those occasions?  You should cer...
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When Intimacy Doesn’t Flow…
16 Dec 2021
When Intimacy Doesn’t Flow…

Valentine’s Day was established by papal decree in 496AD as a day to celebrate our intimate relationships with those we love most deeply. At that time it wasn’t connected with romanti...
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