Water for Better Sexual Performance

Companion 4 Older Executives | 27 Oct 2021 - 09:25
Water for Better Sexual Performance

Drinking water will certainly make any man sexier and healthier. Sexual performance and health go hand in hand. But drinking water doesn’t come easily to many men. Why? And what? And how?

Drinking water regularly is important and necessary. 
Yet even this is a thing that many a man of today’s world does incorrectly or completely avoids or omits. Drinking many cups of coffee a day and a glass of wine or beer after dinner really isn’t the right way to hydrate our bodies to keep them healthy. Even though things are gradually improving, the Western society still sets people up to suppress basic biological needs. Many things are somehow more important than satisfying the biological needs. In many workplaces people are so busy that they’re lucky if they get time to use the bathroom once a day. In some professions drinking water or soft drinks in front of customers is still considered prohibited! During a long meeting standing up and stretching the stiff body is not always appropriate.

Thus people have little choice but to gradually get used to suppressing their biological needs. Many therefore gradually interpret them incorrectly or stop noticing them. And many people often think that they’re hungry when they’re thirsty. It would only take a glass of water and the “hunger” would vanish. All this stands against the benefits of a correct drinking regime.

Drinking water? Yuck!
Many people say that drinking water is boring, tasteless, annoying, and causes too many visits to the bathroom for which they don’t have time. Yes, regular cleansing of the urinary tract is an inevitable consequence of regular drinking. Water doesn’t have a taste so attractive that one would develop an addiction to it. But if you want to be healthy – and in many cases slimmer, fitter, more sexually appealing and apt, develop ways to do it instead of excuses. One way is to flavour water with drops of lemon or lime or mint leaves.

Don’t wait for thirst! Thirst appears when the loss of fluids in the body is already formidable. It’s too late. Treat drinking as a medicine – simply force yourself to make it a regular habit, because it works! You’ll see results already after a week – in your energy and on your appearance and skin. If you don’t believe this, try drinking water even less than you do now for a week and watch your energy and appearance decline. Or ask someone who drinks correctly to tell you their experiences!

How much should you drink?
A glass of unflavoured still water every hour. Or flavoured with drops of lemon or lime or mint leaves. If you drink the first glass at 8a.m. and the last at 9p.m., you’ll be perfectly hydrated. This intake of water will speed up the metabolism and the stomach will feel fuller for most of the day. The recommendation of drinking 2 – 3 liters of water a day may be vague to those who don’t have the patience with measuring and numbers. So the system of a glass an hour is also more convenient even for this reason. Of course, you should drink more water in high heat and during sport activity. And in low heat and during low physical activity you’ll want less water. A petit man will need a different intake from a man of 160kg.

Won’t have the opportunity to visit the bathroom for some time?
The body eliminates waste liquids after roughly an hour and a half. If you’re planning an event when you won’t want to run to the bathroom often, drink 1.5 to 2 hours before its beginning,

Signs of dehydration
You may not register them because at first your body temperature will only mildly rise. Gradually and proportionally to the loss of liquids in the body your energy and thus productivity will decline and fatigue will rise. Unfortunately only fatigue. Not feeling of thirst. Many people will cure fatigue with a cup or two of strong coffee. Caffeine drains the kidneys, stimulates urination, hence dehydrates the body. That is why drinking drinks that contain caffeine is not recommended. But if you really must drink coffee, put cardamom seeds in it. Then the coffee won’t have the debilitating effect on the body. And remind yourself that coffee is also none other than a habit…

A man used to drinking very little – if any – water often won’t realize that his problems are connected only to hydration. Even 1% dehydration shows in observably lower productivity, energy, and contentment. This will happen if the body lacks less than a liter of water. Thirst will appear only after the level of dehydration oversteps 2%. Why ruin your day by waiting for that?

Not drinking enough water can cause:
fatigue, dry mouth, headache, dizziness
irritability, lethargy, sluggishness
observable decline in productivity / energy
higher blood pressure, cramps 
feeling morose, grumpy, weak, annoyed
slower reactions.
If you suffer from any of these states, train yourself to firstly think of the fact that they could be connected to thirst. And if you were drinking more water, you’d have less/fewer or none of this/these state(s). If a man drinks a cup of coffee in the morning, several signs of dehydration can already appear before lunch. On hot summer days higher blood pressure + thirst can contribute to causing heart issues. If a man feels irritable an hour after lunch, this may be due to the combination of low blood sugar and dehydration. And explosions of grumpy moods or anger are suddenly easy to explain from a different angle.

Long-term signs of dehydration are less observable.
If you’re used to drinking few liquids, know that low intake of water over the long term

slows down the metabolism
can damage the kidneys and liver
causes kidney stones
worsens the skin, hair, nails
worsens digestion [and causes constipation]
disrupts concentration because you can’t hold pictures in the imagination still. [And yes, most people with learning difficulties are dehydrated.]
alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine, preservatives, E numbers, food colouring, and sugar also dehydrate and deplete you of energy, vitamins, minerals, and libido! Coffee is not recommended to drink in the morning. The best time to drink it if you must is in the afternoon. 
So what will you choose for your next drink? And if you have any health issues, The Light Bringer is here to shed light on them.

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Drinking Water for Higher Sexappeal?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 06 Oct 2021 - 09:58
Drinking Water for Higher Sexappeal?

In my previous article I described the signs and dangers of dehydration and outlined how drinking water is immensely important for men’s health, wellbeing, and productivity. But the resounding question is how to drink water correctly. Here are some answers. 

Beware of sweet beverages.
The goal of manufacturers of sweet beverages is to get us to regularly buy more. Nothing else interests them. And if many of us were to manufacture a soft drink, they’d also be thinking about profit first and maybe health secondly. The interest of manufacturers of sweet beverages is that their beverage be irresistible and people want more. This means that the beverage must be adequately sweet and thus becomes nutritionally dangerous. All soft sweet drinks have two things in common:

one glass is never enough
they fatten and dehydrate instead of nourishing.
It’s therefore wiser not to drink them at all. Instead buy ordinary still mineral water or drink tap water if you’re in a country where drinking tap water is safe. You can always filter it. And there is always the option of sweetening water with artificial sweeteners (that have no calorific value), but it’s also better not to do so. One reason is that the word artificial itself suggests that you’d be putting chemicals into your body. Secondly, craving the sweet taste is, just like correct drinking, a matter of habit. Albeit the beginnings of changing a habit can test the mental strength, if you get through the beginning, your taste will change and you won’t crave sweet drinks.

Loss of body fat and liquids
Many men complain that they can’t bear drinking tasteless water, can’t drink too much of it, and similar. But that doesn’t mean that anyone, especially if he wishes to lose body fat, should not drink water. It is definitely a matter of habit. If you get used to a drug such as Coca Cola, you naturally won’t be able to bear tasteless water. But the fact that some sweet concoction tastes so good doesn’t mean that drinking it is healthy.

Drinking pure water is a matter of habit. Some readers may now be screaming that they won’t ever let anyone tamper with their favourite drink, or that they absolutely must have water sparkling. But that’s also a matter of habit. It is only a psychological dependence that manufacturers of these drinks instil in us. The sooner you cut soft drinks out of your life, the sooner you’ll find – with great surprise – that it is perfectly possible to drink water. And also that after some time you won’t miss sweet drinks at all.

Especially at the beginning of building new habits it’s natural that you won’t want to drink water often. Here you can connect technology with psychology and use your mobile phone, computer, kitchen timer, or other device to remind you every hour that it’s time for drinking water. This way you (or anyone) will start on the right track and drink regularly in reasonable doses. If you like the taste of herbal teas, you can also drink them – plus benefit from the vast variety of their flavours. You may also count the water absorbed in fruit and veg into your daily intake of water. If you eat a kilo of veg, you’ll take in almost a liter of water.

Drink! Don’t make excuses!
Many men protest that they can’t drink so much water because it doesn’t go down the throat, or water is horrible, or heavy on the stomach. Don’t analyze why, just find a way to drink sufficient amounts of water every day. At the beginning of developing the correct drinking regime you won’t enjoy drinking too much water. Drink a small glass every hour or sip very small amounts often. You can flavour water with drops of lemon or lime or mint leaves.

Another frequent argument is that men don’t want to drink water because they then frequently urinate. While this is true, these men need to decide whether they want long-term health and sexappeal or fat, dry skin, general tiredness, slow metabolism, cramps, and looking older for the sake of urinating more often. Think through the pros and cons and find ways to integrate drinking water into your life willingly. The correct drinking regime will tremendously help you get slimmer, healthier, and more sexually appealing.

Drinking water every hour will keep your stomach fuller. You’ll lose cravings for sweet and salty foods. A well hydrated person simply isn’t that hungry and thus will feel satisfied by smaller portions of food. Another beautiful thing which will happen over time is that your body will adjust to the new program and ask for more water more often. That will be your litmus test that you’re on the right track.

Water maximises the efficiency of your body:
a glass of water after getting up activates the internal organs
one glass roughly 30 minutes before a meal helps digestion
a glass before taking a bath helps to keep the blood pressure low
and a glass before going to sleep helps to prevent strokes / heart attacks.
Especially overweight and obese people should not drink cold water because it is heavy on the stomach and weakens the gastric fire and metabolism. Obses people usually hate warm water, but warm water is exactly what they should drink. It is also true that since warm water is light on the stomach, it’s easy to drink, hence you’ll drink more of it. Try it! A wonderful drink for burning fat and curing emotional hunger is a glass of warm water with 10 drops of lime and a teaspoon of honey. This will fill the stomach and burn fat.

Is drinking water more easily said than done?
We all have days when we’re too busy to breathe, let alone regularly drink water! For some of us old habits die hard. If drinking water throughout the day isn’t your habit, this article won’t change your habits in an instance. But it can be the turning point if you want it to be. Even old dogs can learn new tricks. You’re making choices of how you treat your body every second. If you keep treating it with unhealthy habits, how will your body serve you in 20 years? And of course, not everyone can build new habits alone! But there’s help – and I can give it to you!

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07 Apr 2018

It's not so easy to challenge when you call and wanted me there for you soon !

Please allow a bit of notice for me to know our time together and so...
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4 Much Less Obvious Benefits of Massage

Companion 4 Older Executives | 29 Sep 2021 - 09:08
4 Much Less Obvious Benefits of Massage

The obvious benefits of the beautiful art and science of massage are all over the internet. The four not obvious benefits of massage are here. 

The first of the less obvious benefits of massage
is that it’s an excellent tool for grounding. Grounding is being down to earth – this time literally rather than figuratively. We operate best when we’re connected to the earth = grounded. Most of us know the feeling of being ungrounded. It’s when we have thousands of things rushing through the head at once – an overwhelm. If we move our focus to our tummies, that busyness goes away. And if we move our focus to the feet and from there into the ground, we will be even calmer and more stable. Grounding is a natural process. People who do sports all find grounding essential albeit they may use different words to call it. 

Massage is human touch. And human touch is very grounding, which is why many people fall asleep or into deep relaxing trance during a well done massage. When we’re ungrounded, we often feel scatty, disorganized, fidgety, unsettled, uncomfortable in our bodies. This breeds times when we can’t make ourselves do anything and then feel guilty for wasting a precious day, but powerless to do anything about it. Some of us cope with this by comfort eating, others by drinking gallons of coffee or alcohol, smoking like chimneys, biting nails, getting high, or other ways to escape. But all these things have consequences for our health, productivity, earning potential, happiness. Regular massage will ground us beautifully and provide a relaxing escape. And its consequences are only positive!

Why do many men have gray hair? 
Because one of the causes of gray hair is tense scalp from stress. Regular head massage prevents tension of the scalp and enables blood to circulate freely and bring nutrients into the hair roots. This prevents the hair from withering and going gray – or falling out before its time. So regular head massage is also beneficial for delay of baldness. And for health of the hair. 

Do allergies make your working life hell during the sunniest of days? 
Regular massage with the right essential oils can be very helpful for prevention of allergic reactions such as hay fever, because the oils absorb into the blood stream and decrease the severity of the allergic response.

Do you have trouble satisfying your women? 
Regular massage can be a major factor in improving your sexual performance. A lot of energy gets trapped in the reproductive organs. Massage improves circulation and releases the blocks. Certain essential oils also strengthen the reproductive organs and thus improve their smooth running. What a benefit!

Massage has even more benefits
and other articles in which I’ve written about them are:

why a real and well done massage has far greater benefits than sex
the benefits of massage by independent masseuse vs. at a massage clinic

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Successful, But Intimately Frustrated?
11 Aug 2021
Successful, But Intimately Frustrated?

Being intimately frustrated is certainly not an accident. It happens because some things that men do and don’t do make it so. A man may think that the reason why he is intimatel...
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How Can Men Use Aromatherapy at Home?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 22 Sep 2021 - 10:14
How Can Men Use Aromatherapy at Home?

Are you one of many men who live alone? These ways how men can use aromatherapy at home will certainly make your life healthier and more pleasant whether you live alone or with others:

Stop the food recycling container from bad smell and insects
Thoroughly wash and dry the food recycling container. Line it with two or three dry paper towels. Drip 25 drops of peppermint oil on a flat cosmetic cotton wool pad. Place the pad on the paper towels. Line the container with the usual liner. If you can, store the container in a dedicated cupboard. If you store the container in a cupboard, leave the container open. That will dry the remnants of food and also significantly help to prevent insects from going into it. Change the cotton wool pad every time you change the liner. 

The next time your nose bleeds, 
soak a cotton wool bud or a piece of cotton wool in lemon juice [or neat essential oil of lemon if at hand] and insert it as far up your nostril as you can. Keep it there for 3 minutes while reclining your head. When you remove it, the bleeding will have stopped.

Smelly shoes? 
Drip a few drops of any essential oil on a piece of cotton wool and insert it into each shoe. This will take the odor away and certainly make the shoes – and even their storage space – smell beautifully!

If the fridge is beginning to smell badly,
thoroughly wash it with your traditional cleaner in your usual way. Then prepare a final rinse of water containing a few drops of bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, or orange essential oil to leave a fresh clean scent. Never add too much oil into the water – 3 drops to half a bucket of water are plenty. Add a splash of washing-up liquid to help the essential oils disperse properly and wipe the surfaces.

Citruses are the best cleaning agents.
This is why lemon is the most frequently used agent in commercial cleaning products. If you don’t have any of the essential oils listed in the paragraph above this one, you can also clean any surface in your home with the juice of real lemon fruit. The effects will be just as pleasant and effective.

You can beautifully repel insects
by using certain essential oils. The fifth paragraph of this article lists the right oils for the job.

But men don’t usually have aromatherapy at home.
If you don’t have any essential oils at home, you can buy them in pharmacies, health or drug stores, and of course online.

Have you stumbled across this article and not viewed other articles or pages of this site?
Therefore here’re other articles on this site about how men can use aromatherapy:

1. how men who own animals can use aromatherapy in treating them

2. how corporate men can use aromatherapy in their workplace – you can also use the tips from this article at home.

3. why aromatherapy works – and is healthier, cheaper, more pleasant and effective in the long term than commercial medicines

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12 May 2017

I'm on tour in LA, California,  Woud be nice to see all the gentlemen around and you wont be dissappointed.

You can view my profile and email me.

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Gentlemen, and How Do You Spend Your Energy?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 15 Sep 2021 - 09:48
Gentlemen, and How Do You Spend Your Energy?

How are you voting with your energy? What do you want in life? Also, what are your highest values? Is having the right people around you important to you? Hence how often do you do what it takes to cultivate having the right people around you? Is connection a high value of yours? How often do you therefore choose to connect with others?

Think of spending your energy in the same way as you spend money.

If you spend your energy on something, you’re voting to have more of that in your life. If you choose companions or “escorts” who you don’t feel absolutely right about from the start or, worse, whom you don’t feel anything about, you’ve given them your vote to stay in business and continue spreading their malices. And what vote have you given to yourself? What mental environments are you creating with how you spend your energy? Do you focus on peacefulness, connection, fulfillment, or gratefulness? Or do you spend energy on indifference, impulsive instant gratification, bearing grudges, or boosting your ego?

You are living with your energy all the time. 

Notice what your internal voice most often tells or shouts at you. Do you always expect an average treatment? Clinical blank attitude? Superficial “service” from another “escort”? The next one being the same as the one yesterday? Is there not much between them all? Creativity can be certainly a drawback if that is your indication – or if the social conditioning has left that imprint on you. You can live much of your life in a horror movie – complete with special effects! 

Or you can choose to spend your vital juice on… 

creating positive states of mind and doing better things for yourself. Instead of chasing seedy “escorts” you can direct your energy on finding a high end companion who adds value and whom you can trust. Whenever you consider something, ask yourself ‘does it lead to happiness?’. When you are happy, you are more inclined to be generous and loving to others. And others will be the same to you. So by tending to your thoughts and creating your happiness you will be serving the greater good as well. And if this seems more easily said than done, I can help you get it done as easily as it is said.

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Gentlemen, and How Do You Treat Money?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 08 Sep 2021 - 10:15
Gentlemen, and How Do You Treat Money?

With each coin of money you spend you’re voting. Spending money is as much a political act as, or even more so than, casting your vote on an election day. Every time you buy a product or service you’re helping an individual or a corporation to stay in business. Your vote says that you want the product or service to exist in the world. So what implications does this have on your choice of spending your notes and coins on companions and other entertainment?

Most of us decide for ourselves 
How do your expenditures reflect your values? Do you choose to contribute to causes that are important to you? Do you buy products or services that are well designed or done even if they’re more expensive than those of lower quality? Again, the next time you surf the net for your next companion or other type of entertainment, how will your answers to these questions influence your choices?

How do you want to vote with your finances from now on?
How will you decide that a product or service is worth what you spend on it?
What are your criteria for selecting this product or service?
How much is enough?
How do you make choices about how to spend your finances?
And what else is there to bear in mind about money?
Why do so many men cringe when this topic enters the conversations? Is it due to cultural conditioning? After all, who likes to talk about money in their personal lives? Or why do men often have such a problem with discussing finances? Perhaps it shows that money is a rich area for them to explore in some good coaching…

It’s also well worth your time and energy to check out what else i’ve written about money:

does it pay to be honest with money? 
why men shouldn’t feed high end courtesans’ greed
why paying a companion is crucial for your relationship with her
how men can always have enough money for their pleasures
Need some good coaching around money? Or perhaps another way to explore money? Take my hand…

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Gentlemen, Do You Spend Time Wisely?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 01 Sep 2021 - 08:59
Gentlemen, Do You Spend Time Wisely?

Every minute of your time on this planet you‘re making choices. Think of the options of saying yes or no to (s)exercise. By saying yes to one activity you’re saying no to a million others. Yet many men make choices with their time that prove wasteful. But unfortunately these men don’t see that it is the wastefulness that often frustrates them. How can any man start using time more wisely?

Limited for all of us 
We have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, 8,760 hours in a year. If you were to live to a 100, you’d live 876,000 hours from the moment of birth to the moment of death. That is not even a million hours in a lifetime. You’d have to live to 114 to clock up a million hours on this planet. Many of us would like to be able to squeeze more hours out of each day. We study strategies for managing time and creative scheduling techniques. We try to figure out how to do a million things at once…

So how – and with whom – do you want to spend time? 
How do you spend time now? A useful exercise is to track for one week how you spend it so that you can see. I helped one man to become aware that he was spending too long on surfing the net comparing prices of the same massage treatment. This was cutting down on the time he spent with his family, or enjoying the massage treatment! He used the learning and started doing things differently. 

By reading this blog you have voted to give a moment to personal [and professional] growth, learning, improving the quality and enjoyment of your life. There’re a zillion ways you could spend these moments. But here you are. What values are you voting for by reading these words?

So how else can you explore how you use – or waste – your time?
How do you use time in any context of your life?
How could you reduce / eliminate the sense of time pressure you feel?
And how do your choices about how you spend time reflect your highest values?
What have you learnt about yourself with regard to spending time?
Do you often find yourself rushing around? What’s the cost of that to you?
How do you want to spend the hours you have left on this planet?
Looking inside ourselves and reevaluating our habits and strategies can be a scary process. Scary things are scarier when we’re alone with them. But you may never walk alone – you can get my help! It’ll certainly prove one of the best investments of your time you’ve ever made!

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Bruna Satinni is back in London
16 Apr 2023
Bruna Satinni is back in London

I am the best choice for you if you want spend time with High Class Companion  with great reviews, based in Central London.Degree educated and with sultry good looks I turn heads eve...
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Passive in Intimacy?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 26 Aug 2021 - 13:50
Passive in Intimacy?

Do you prefer to be passive in intimacy? And why do some men wonder why their intimate partners don’t deliver quality intimacy either? I invite you to discover the answers.

‘Passive in intimacy’ has two meanings
One meaning is when a man prefers a woman to take charge in intimate matters, but actively participates when she does. Another meaning is what inspired this article. All will be released…

Passive breeds passivity
Some men always want their intimate partners to enjoy intimacy with them. And there will always be men who prefer to lie there and take what their intimate partner gives. The men with the passive attitude will operate on the axiom that “I’m paying, you entertain me” if they’re intimate with a woman whom they paid presumably for it. Or “you’re a woman, so seduce me.” But how do they expect to be given the connection, warmth, feeling they crave if they’re not prepared to give the same?

We are all receptive to nonverbal communication. If you convey a positive message with words but a negative one with the body, another person will always take the message of the body. You would too if you were on the receiving end of something similar. So how does your communication contribute to the quality of your intimacy? Especially if you be passive in intimacy? Consider men who think that their intimate partner should entertain them because they’re paying or in whatever context. What energy do they send? How does that affect the response that they get? How would you feel and respond if another person gave you that attitude?

You would intuitively feel it.
If someone tells us nonsense, we know just like we know if someone tells us sense. Every time we communicate we release subtle energies. So be careful about what energy you radiate, because you’ll get it back. Examples of this are: if you’re having a conversation with another person, you know if the conversation is “landing” well. And you also know when you have an inflexible communicator! How do you know? 

Intuitively – from your partner’s nonverbal and then verbal responses. So if you’re planning to stay passive in intimacy, this energy will hang in the air. Your partner will get the message and most likely be put off and act that way or similarly. 

Being passive in intimacy works both ways
The principle is simple, yet there’re many [generally unhappy] men who don’t grasp it. Why are theyunhappy? Because they come across this passive attitude from others. But these men do not realize that they’re its source – until someone tells them! Taking is nice, giving is nicer. If we take all the time, we end up with heaps of stuff, yet emptiness at heart, because the stuff will lose value and we’ll start searching for the next taking… But we’ll never run away from the emptiness at heart. The only way to break the circle and get fulfilled is by giving some of ourselves to others. 

If you give, your intimate partner will give more
Because if you do something nice, you’ll feel more loving toward the world around you. The virtuous circle will begin – others will start accepting and loving you too. Verbal and nonverbal [even intimate] communication will start flowing. Happiness will start flooding your body and heart. And you’ll never have a dull encounter again! You’ll exude more attractive energy which will attract similar partners. So start giving – and you’ll start receiving! And if you’re feeling shaky, take my hand…

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Would You Sleep Without Me?
19 Jan 2022
Would You Sleep Without Me?

Would you sleep without me? Sleeping with me would keep you awake! And keeping awake is what people in today’s at least western society certainly do way too much of – t...
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When a Man Should Not Have Massage
04 Jan 2022
When a Man Should Not Have Massage

Although massage is generally enormously beneficial and certainly a great pleasure when done well, there are occasions when you should not have it. What are those occasions? <...
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3 Critical Mistakes That Men Make When Selecting a Companion

Companion 4 Older Executives | 18 Aug 2021 - 09:09
3 Critical Mistakes That Men Make When Selecting a Companion

What are the most frequent critical mistakes that men can avoid when selecting a companion?

1. Men don’t care who they go with 
Impatience, desperation, frustration, exhaustion, resignation, long-term suppression of pleasure, influence of substances, or various combinations thereof can drive this one. Hence when the urges hit, these men want a companion or “entertainer” immediately. So they dial several numbers and wait who responds… The danger of this approach is that men will end up selecting an unsuitable companion or “entertainer” who will care about her interest and treat them accordingly…. A vicious circle hence begins: men pay high amounts for awkward fake(d) “pleasure”. Then they get frustrated and repeat the mistake… 

Years go by and cut the precious time these men have on the planet… How is that fun? Wouldn’t selecting a companion or “entertainer” who had all the traits of your dreams be more fun? Look at it this way: if a woman called you and didn’t even know who she was talking to and where she saw your number, what message would she send? That she doesn’t care about who she goes with. And if she doesn’t care, why should you care? The message is subtle, but powerful and profoundly disrespectful. Does the fact that she’s paying entitle her to disrespect? If it does, will disrespect breed respect?

2, Men don’t do their research when selecting a companion
Many men don’t even remember where they see the details of the women they call. Again, impulsive behaviour. Let’s feel good. Who cares about research? Let’s have fun right now – often also in a state altered by alcohol, drugs, or both. That state is certainly not conducive to research. But if you don’t do your research, how do you know what you’re signing up for? Associating with the wrong person could have tragic – at worst even lethal – consequences for your health, career, family, life… 

Another benefit of researching the companion whose pictures you liked in an ad is that you know what you can expect. You know what you will get for your money. And you won’t put yourself in an awkward position. 

Plus you’ll come across as much more respectful if you show that you’ve made an informed choice! Planning prevents poor performance. Investing a few minutes in research of the pretty woman in the picture that has caught your eye will pay you higher dividends than will be the amount you lose on her fee. I also recommend that you read this article – its gist is related to this topic. 

3. Men don’t know what they want
This one may sound crazy, but is the most common. Even men who care about who they go with and do their research often do not know what they want from a companion. Or even why they’re looking for one. Think about it: do you have clear criteria for selecting a companion? Do you know what you want from her and your relationship with her? 

What’s your goal of wanting to engage with a companion or other type of “entertainer”? To feed your ego? To blunt the emptiness in your life from which you can’t hide? Perhaps to deflect your anger at something or someone? To prove to yourself that money can buy you pleasure? Or to celebrate life and its finer moments? Or even to have a stable consistent companion / perhaps lover / friend whom you can entrust things that your family and friends shouldn’t hear? What do you want her to do and be for you? Get this clear – perhaps even on paper. You will focus on selecting the right person. Not leaving it to chance.

Men who make these mistakes when selecting a companion
congregate in the highest number in the low rungs of the industry. But there’s plenty of room for improvement in the high rungs too. If all men who are in my circle of friends can have been selective about their companion, so can you – if you’re one of the men who need to learn this lesson. 

The added benefit of caring, doing your research, and knowing what you want is that your companion or partner in fun will view you as an intelligent being worthy of her time and NRG. Hence your relationship will begin on good footing. And you should do all three things! After all, aren’t you buying some connection which should be far more intimate than are all other connections with all other people in your life? 

I’m happy to help you get clear about what you want, why you should care who you go with, and how to do your research before you go with them. 

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Find a Companion, Not a Disaster
04 Aug 2021
Find a Companion, Not a Disaster

To find a companion can be as exhausting as dating, and perhaps even more so. This is because the prevailing attitude is that because you’re paying, you expect to get the&nbs...
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Successful, But Intimately Frustrated?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 11 Aug 2021 - 07:57
Successful, But Intimately Frustrated?
Being intimately frustrated is certainly not an accident. It happens because some things that men do and don’t do make it so. A man may think that the reason why he is intimately frustrated is rather straightforward. But in most cases it is not. Intimate frustration accumulates due to a combination of factors. And one can certainly influence a lot of them. So how can intimately frustrated men get integrated, at one with themselves, all of a piece, body and mind in agreement? How can they get congruent to start attracting intimate fulfilment? Here’re some handy tips:
Be real
Ask yourself: “Does what I do align with my sense of who I am?”
Allow your natural humor to let rip more often.
Be more your own boss.
Improve your state
Create environments which support your purpose.
Continue improving physical flexibility.
Explore how it physically feels when you’re congruent.
Also explore a variety of self-nurturing activities such as massage, meditation, acupuncture, homeopathy, Alexander technique, cranial osteopathy, yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki.
Notice your physiology. Strengthen your internal state. Practise keeping focus to become more centered.
Have more respect for your body.
Address obstacles
Ask yourself what you’re afraid of when you avoid something.
Explore your fears and phobias.
Look at areas of doubt and inhibition.
Release negative emotions.
Do an inventory of your limiting beliefs in each main area of life.
What makes you intimately frustrated?
Is it the environment? The wife / partner or lack thereof?
Is it the time for intimacy or lack thereof?
Or is it the atmosphere for intimacy that you create or don’t create?
Is it what you do for or during intimacy?
Is it the match or mismatch of your partner’s style of intimacy?
Or are there perhaps beliefs around intimacy that limit it?
Resolve internal conflicts
Become more aware of the sights, sounds, feelings of when and how specifically you’re congruent and also incongruent.
Explore incongruence: what happens when you tell a lie? How do you feel? What does your physiology do?
Also keep asking ‘what specifically do I need to become more congruent?’.
Identify instances of conflict in your dreams and revisit them to resolve them.
SCORE as often as you can = identify the symptoms, causes, outcomes, resources, and effects of incongruent behaviors to resolve them.
Integrate parts of you that are in conflict.
Match words with nonverbal communication.
Resolve conflicts with others
Find new responses to people’s incongruence.
Get curious about the positive intentions of people’s actions.
Learn to look at issues from many angles.
Write to a person with whom you’re in conflict. Offer to explain rather than blame.
Notice what works
Notice things and situations which increase your congruence and do them more.
Pay more attention to the ‘trivial’ and ‘mundane’.
Regularly review your goals. Are they current and appropriate?
Review your experiences. Ask yourself ‘how did I achieve what I have?’.
Do what matters
Set clear well formed outcomes to which you’re committed.
Keep asking ‘what do I want?’. What do you want to look back on in your 90s and say ‘I’ve lived as I wished, my life has therefore been meaningful and made a difference for the better’?.
Commit to developing clear outcomes and act accordingly. The better you get at this, the better you will indeed be able to help others.
Play wholeheartedly without wondering whether you’re too old or what others think.
Tell the truth even if it may be cruel or unpleasant.
Do what you believe in.
Express what you REALLY want in a difficult situation.
Keep (even unspoken) promises to yourself and others.
Do more of what you enjoy and less of what you ‘should’.
Say no to things that you don’t enjoy.
Similarly, turn down offers of work that you don’t want to do.
Take control. Choose whether you’ll do things instead of being influenced by peer pressure.
Work with congruence as an outcome.
Speak or stay silent when you feel the desire to.
Mentally rehearse congruent behavior before a challenging event.
Develop creativity.
Tell stories and express yourself freely.
Use metaphor and image more. Hence create a strong partnership between the conscious and unconscious mind.
Continually seek ways to improve the quality of your life.
Spend time with models of excellence in areas which you need to develop.
Be more aware of yourself
Spend the first and last moment of a day on focusing on ‘what has it all been for?’.
Be clear about your values, criteria, and actions that honor those criteria for your key roles and relationships.
Pace your internal responses.
Ask yourself ‘how’s what I’m doing an expression of who I am?’.
Be curious about the positive intentions of all your actions.
Change your internal dialogue from ‘I can’t do it’ to ‘How can I…?’ and ‘Who can help me?’.
Pay more attention to your dreams at day and night.
Do more for yourself of what you do for others.
Commit to continuous self-development and engage in specific ways to achieve it.
At the end of each day ask yourself ‘what have I learned today? What have I contributed today? What has been exquisite or fun? When was I congruent / incongruent?’.
Intimately frustrated? You’re not alone.
And to start this process also consider getting some coaching. Or would you like to know anything else? You can certainly ask.
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